Garnish More Site Storage through SharePoint Online

By August 19, 2014 Office 365, SharePoint No Comments

Microsoft has unveiled several changes to their Office 365 software system. Two of the changes will help SharePoint Consultants and administrators with storage capacities, a problem that’s been plaguing many of our TechField consultanshare_pointts. With changes coming to SharePoint Online, administrators are allowed more flexibility to SharePoint websites and within Microsoft Office 365. So what are some of the new improvements that you can expect?

What you can expect

Administrators can now allocate more space throughout SharePoint sites without having to worry about slowing down bandwidth. By having more storage space, administrators can now distribute the storage space throughout the SharePoint network through a “push-button” feature that allows them to change from a manual to automatic management system. With the manual feature on, administrators will be able to set a pre-defined amount of storage. The auto feature allows the SharePoint sites to manage themselves, and add or subtract from the storage space amount left on your Office 365 domain.

Lastly, you are now able to create more SharePoint sites within your 365 domain, increasing from 10,000 to 500,000.

Who Does this Effect?

Changes are effective for Office 365 Enterprise E1, E3 and E4; Education A2, A3 and A4; Government G1, G3 and G4 as well as Midsize Businesses.

Don’t stress about these changes, contact us today and let our SharePoint Specialists help your company adjust to these updates.